co-operation between institutionsの例文


  1. The french minister expressed his gratitude for mrs yau s visit to france and his great satisfaction regarding the signature of the mou , which will pave the way to a strengthened co - operation between institutions in charge of the development of the information society in france and the hong kong special administrative region but also between it and telecommunications companies of both sides


  1. "co-marketing alliances"の例文
  2. "co-occurrence"の例文
  3. "co-occurrence matrix"の例文
  4. "co-occurrences"の例文
  5. "co-operate"の例文
  6. "co-operative building society"の例文
  7. "co-operative housing scheme"の例文
  8. "co-operative partnership"の例文
  9. "co-operative supervisor"の例文
  10. "co-optation"の例文
  11. "co-occurrences"の例文
  12. "co-operate"の例文
  13. "co-operative building society"の例文
  14. "co-operative housing scheme"の例文

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